I was asking God what his word or theme for August is, and I heard, “August RUSH.”

If you haven’t seen the 2007 movie, August Rush, it’s a story about an orphan boy, Evan, who runs away from his orphanage. He searches all of New York City for where he belongs and his birth parents whom he was separated from at birth through lies, tragedy and trauma. Evan is gifted with the ability to hear, see and create music in everything around him and everywhere he goes. He feels connected to his parents through the music and knows deep inside that, if he follows the music, he will find them—so he does not stop. Not only did they find each other, but Evan was protected along the way and blessed many through the use of his gift.


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People asked Evan, “How do you do it? How does the music come to you?”
Evan replied: “I don’t know; I just hear it. Sometimes I wake up and it’s just there, or I hear it walking down the street. It’s like someone is calling it out to me.”

Who?, someone asked.
“The one who gave me the music,” Evan shared.

This story creates a beautiful picture: Following the leading of the Holy Spirit may not always make sense, but it’s a gentle nudging (knowing) deep inside. God can speak to us in many different ways—everywhere we look. Whether through a bird, a billboard, or a song—we just have to listen and be willing to “follow the music.” Just like music gets better with practice, so does our confidence in hearing the voice of God.

John 3:8 observes, “The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit” (NIV).

If you ever feel lost or “orphaned,” tapping into who God created you to be will always make you feel closer to God—because you belong to him. Your creator is the one who placed those gifts inside of you, and he fully intends to use them, to reach others. You never know who or what your gifts may lead you to!

In John 10-27-29, God said, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me and I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.”

Thank you Jesus for your gift of the Holy Spirit, the ultimate friend and teacher who is with me at all times. As I keep my ears and eyes open to hear and see you, I trust that you will teach me to recognize your inward promptings and to follow them with peace and confidence.

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