Feeling stuck? Chances are you’ve been idling or paddling against the current for a while.

You are not alone!

There is a time to row and there is a time to rest. If you are like me, that last one is the hardest part. The good news is, if you feel as if you’ve been going against the current, you do not have to work so hard paddling upstream because your story has already been written.

When we rest, God can work. Over the next week, try to channel as much energy into leaning back in the boat and letting go. Psalm 46:10 encourages, “Be still and know that I am God.

There is an energy exchange and a co-laboring between the rest and the row—a cadence when we are IN TUNE with the Holy Spirit’s flow. Much like dancing, it’s a partnership, but we have to let HIM lead or it won’t work. When we do, it’s fun, easy and in sync (or rhythm).

The Bible teaches, “You can’t force these things, they only come about by my spirit” Zechariah 4:6.

If you are ready to gain some momentum and you’re up for the challenge, then dig down deep. Remember your WHY and hop in girl. We are going on a little journey—side by side with the Holy Spirit as our guide.

We will travel through tunnels, over bridges and rapids. You may even fall out of the boat at times and that’s ok because you will surface naturally, and you are not alone. Together we will be strengthening your faith muscles, renewing your mind, opening your eyes, ears and heart through the use of scripture, imagery, prophetic acts, exercises and declarations. You will no longer be stuck as you start to see things shift and change in you, around you and through you!


Breakthrough ~ break· through | \ ˈbrāk-ˌthrü \

1. warfare: an offensive military assault that penetrates and carries beyond a defensive line

2. an act or instance of moving through or beyond an obstacle; a breakthrough in the talks between the region’s leaders a breakthrough agreement.

3a. a sudden advance especially in knowledge or technique a medical breakthrough.

3b. a person’s first notable success; a breakthrough novel the actress’s breakthrough performance


Forgive me, Father, for not doing the things you have asked me to do and for getting in your way at times. I surrender to your leading. Teach me to be patient, to know when to row and when to rest. Thank you for dropping seeds of promise, direction and confirmation along the way—like bread crumbs—to let me know I am on the right path and removing any obstacles or blocks within myself or my surroundings that may delay my purpose. I know that you are the Alpha and the Omega, my beginning and my end. From this day forward, I trust you with the rest of my story.


Draw an imaginary line on the ground in front of you with your foot. Make an agreement with yourself to CROSS OVER into new territory.

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