At the Doorway of Transition?

I believe we are in a significant season and at the doorway of transition. With transition comes new beginnings, endings, decisions to be made and doorways to pass through.

Tran·si·tion ~ is the psychological process of making something different; it occurs within the person(s) experiencing the change.

“Transition” is also the final phase of the first stage of labour, mostly known for its emotional challenges. This is where the “mom to-be” gets exhausted, scared, can even forget to breathe and may say “I don’t think I can do this!”

We can feel squeezed in transition because the external and internal are shifting simultaneously. Just like a woman in labor, while in transition, we are giving birth to a new season. We may need more rest, have to consciously be aware of our breathing at times and cannot let fear talk us out of it!

“See I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.”

Isaiah 43:19

Lord, help me to embrace the transition that is ahead and help me be transformed from the inside out in the process. Help me to see you in the midst of the change and give me faith for what you are moving me into. I know I may have to let go of some things to move into where you want me to go; give me direction and the give me peace to do so. I am ready to give birth to my new beginning!

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