Shades of Grey

Waiting is the hardest part. Nobody likes being stuck in the middle or “in between.” It’s uncomfortable, pressed & squeezed by a loss of control and the uncertainty this ‘GREY’ space brings.  

This is why it feels safer to stick to the walls of black & white. But is it really safe or does it keep us from moving forward? This self-inflicted torture of “right or wrong”, “all or nothing”, “never perfect so never good enough” mentality? Like a pendulum swinging from one side to the other we think we have control but fear actually has control of us, keeps us in fight or flight; operating from our head instead of our heart.

 “Well since I didn’t work out today, I may as well have a bag of chips for dinner!” (IE: me last night)

Most of us can agree we have felt stuck in a grey season on some level given the last 6 months of the pandemic and being forced into a new normal. If we let go and go with the flow of change long enough to get past the discomfort, it can be the most rewarding. 

Once we exit the extremes and settle into the ‘middle’ we realize it’s not grey at all. It’s a silver lining.  It’s where real breakthrough happens. Join me, in the middle because that’s where…..

  • we can think outside of the box
  • imperfect is the new perfect
  • all possibilities lie
  • being present is more important than being perfect
  • spontaneity lives
  • passion is re-ignited
  • we appreciate the little things
  • patience is learned
  • we share to be heard not right or wrong
  • we learn to play again
  • we’re allowed to make mistakes
  • we let go
  • we don’t have to have all the answers
  • we try something new
  • it’s ok to ask for help
  • we can see the bigger picture
  • self-compassion grows
  • we don’t care what others think
  • we realize it’s not all about us
  • we slow down
  • we exit the adrenaline rush
  • we rest & reflect
  • we become aware of our breathing
  • we can hear our inner voice
  • we listen to our heart
  • we live in the present
  • we realize we can’t do it all
  • humility grows
  • we surrender
  • God shows up
  • we experience grace
  • we have clarity
  • transformation begins
  • addictions lose control of us
  • we connect with our true self….and others
  • we begin to see a shift
  • we get out of our own way…and Gods
  • we are free


Father, help me to let go of the old and embrace the new that I am resisting. Give me grace and compassion for myself and those around me during this process. Teach me how to live and think more in the ‘middle’ and to let go of control. If there is anything that is causing me to stick to the extremes, I ask that you reveal it and begin to heal it during this time. I am ready for my new normal & exchange my agenda, plans and even timing for yours.

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