What’s Behind Your Mask?

We all hate wearing them, they are uncomfortable, awkward, won’t stay on your face, you have to maintain them and not forget to put them on when you leave your house. You feel like you can’t really connect with someone when you are wearing one, almost like you are hiding behind it. Sound familiar?  

What’s funny is – we’ve all been wearing masks already; you just couldn’t see them. Masks we wear to protect ourselves, out of fear, to perform, to be liked, to be perfect, etc.  Some of us got so used to the invisible masks we wear you lost touch with the real you underneath. It’s exhausting and uncomfortable to maintain.

Slowing down peels back layers that we hide behind that have kept us stuck, allowing our authentic selves to come to the surface and re-connect with who is underneath, something unlocks & you’re free to move forward into change.

As we start to come back ‘out’ you may feel a little more vulnerable since some of these layers have been peeled back.  What if something new has been developing behind your mask these last few months and like a butterfly develops in a cocoon, you have a new you behind it?  A more alive you, a new business idea, a new house, a new city, a new hobby?  What’s behind your mask?

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